
VirtualBrowser is a French pioneer in Remote Browser Isolation (RBI).


VirtualBrowser is a Cybersecurity solution that protects against all the risks associated with Internet browsing.

VirtualBrowser was one of the first players in the world to develop RBI (Remote Browser Isolation) technology, which Gartner identified in 2018 as an essential approach to protecting users and their workstations.

This technology enables users to surf the Internet, not from their own workstation, but from a remote server, which may be in the cloud or within the company, and which sends a simple video stream back to the user’s usual browser (Edge, Firefox, Chrome or Safari).

This way, you’re totally protected. No attack or threat can be traced back to your workstation. There’s a real protocol break between the user workstation and the browser surfing the Internet. This approach is similar to a soldier flying a drone. No attack can reach the drone pilot.

One of VirtualBrowser’s strengths is to make this technology completely transparent to the user. You no longer see the difference between classic surfing and what we might call “virtual surfing”.

Today, more than 250 companies rely on VirtualBrowser to protect their end-users against all kinds of web-browsing attacks.


This partnership offers a sovereign alternative to protect browsing, data and access to sensitive web applications for businesses and organizations in the public sector, healthcare, OIV (Operator of vital importance) and OSE (Operator of essential service). The VirtualBrowser solution is available as a managed service from NumSpot.


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Management and operations
Security and identity
