OGO Security

OGO Security offers a service to protect websites, applications and APIs against cyber attacks without installation, and without solution management. Our Artificial Intelligence and behavioral analytics algorithms analyze visitor behavior and block any malicious behavior. Our dashboard allows you to visualize in real time your application’s traffic, blocked attacks and bots.


OGO security is a French startup created in 2018, specialized in cybersecurity, offering SaaS solutions to its customers to support them in the protection of their websites and applications.


Today, OGO Security is the only sovereign solution offering a cyber protection and acceleration service for websites, applications and APIs without installation, and without solution management. OGO’s solution offers complete origin protection by combining WAF, Artificial Intelligence, Anti DDOS and CDN. The partnership between OGO Security and NumSpot makes it possible to offer a unique cybersecurity service in Europe for all customers wishing to protect a web application in a SecNumCloud environment provided by Outscale.


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